Pet Economy grows faster than “Human Economy”: a new opportunity in the post-covid China

Shilin SongChina Digital News

The Pet Economy is one of the uprising industries in China despite the COVID impact and restrictions. During the 618 Mid-Year Sale in 2022, Tmall Pet Industry GMV (Gross Merchandising Value) grew by 19% compared to last year, reaching 2.7 billion CNY (~ 400 million USD). During the first 4 hours of the JD 618 event, the Pet industry GMV …

How Fashion Brands Leverage Red/Xiaohongshu: Content, KOLs, and case study

Shilin SongRed/Xiaohongshu Marketing

RED (Xiaohongshu) is the Chinese equivalent of “Instagram,” where consumers look for fashion trends, beauty tips, and authentic reviews before buying a product. More than 70% of active users on Red are females, and 50% live in tier 1 and 2 cities. Therefore, Red is a not-to-miss platform for fashion brands, including apparel, handbags, accessories, footwear, etc.  Chinese marketing data …

RED (Xiaohongshu) Trends 2022: emerging trends in Fitness, Fashion & Beauty

Shilin SongChina Digital News

Since the pandemic in 2020, Chinese consumers have been adapting to the ever-changing external environment and adjusting their preferences, lifestyles, and purchasing decisions. Today we will share updated insights from Red Content Trends Report, to help brands better understand their audience in post-covid China and discover new opportunities underlying the challenges. In this article, we will explain: Red (Xiaohongshu) updated …

China’s 618 Mid-Year Sale Results: Live streaming eCommerce Revenue Grows by 124%

Shilin SongChina Digital News, Tmall

June 20th marked the official conclusion of China’s 618 Mid-Year Sale in 2022. How was the result? According to Syntun 星图数据, during this year’s 618, the total online revenue reached 695.9 billion CNY (~103.9 billion USD), a 20.3% increase from last year. The traditional eCommerce channel is slowing down, while the growth of live streaming eCommerce has exceeded expectations: Traditional …

China’s 618 Mid-Year Shopping Festival 2022 first results: Skincare and Beauty continue to thrive, Fashion slows down

Shilin SongTmall

Last week, China started its Mid Year e-commerce shopping festival known as 618 (June 18). It’s the second-largest e-commerce shopping day in China, second only to Single’s Day (November 11). Major eCommerce marketplaces like Tmall and have started the 618 pre-warm. So let’s take a quick look at brands’ performance up to now. In this article, we will look at: What …

Xiaohongshu/Red Pushes “Account-Store Integration” to drive In-app Conversion

Shilin SongChina Digital News, Red/Xiaohongshu Marketing

Xiaohongshu / Red is the crucial platform during the awareness and consideration phases. Chinese consumers are used to searching on Red for feedback and reviews and then finalizing the purchase on Tmall or Taobao. However, Red is no longer satisfied being only the UGC platform where people look for information. In August 2021, Red announced the “Account-Store Integration” to push …

China’s trendy eCommerce App Dewu (Poizon) Bets on Video Content

Shilin SongChina Digital News

Dewu (Poizon) is a social eCommerce app where trend-pursuing Chinese millennials and Gen-Z love to socialize and shop. Observing that 70% of daily usage time is spent on watching videos, the App just launched “Video Account” to further leverage the trend, and help creators and brands to better engage with followers and potential customers. Wondering if your brand should be …