China’s Top Winter Fad: Allgrey Fashion Trend Captivates over 300 Million Views on Red

Selina WangChina Market Analysis, Douyin, Red/Xiaohongshu Marketing, Tmall

​Allgrey fashion trend, or 格雷系 in Chinese, which involves the layering of items in different shades of grey, was the major fashion fad in the last months of 2023 going into 2024. Originating amidst the winter season, this trend has seen an extraordinary rise in popularity, growing MoM 29.53X on average from November to January and captivating over 300 million views in relevant topics on Red/Xiaohongshu. In this edition of our micro …

Handbag Micro Trend: Gen-Z and Millenials Embracing New Vintage Trends in China

Shilin SongChina Market Analysis

As the epicenter of the worldwide luxury market, Chinese consumer preferences and tastes are constantly evolving. In this report, our primary focus lies on the emerging New Vintage style, which experienced a remarkable surge in mentions (+8086%) on Xiaohongshu in July compared to the prior month. This analysis delves into various aspects, including the latest geographical distribution among consumers, age-related …

Chinese Consumer Confidence & Consumption Drops: How should brand react?

Shilin SongChina Market Analysis

COVID around China became a problem over many months this year, disrupting the supply and depressing consumer confidence. Businesses have now resumed in most cities but are still under the ever-present threat of lockdowns following the “dynamic zero covid policy”. As Chinese consumer confidence continues to drop, how should international brands react in a tough time like this? Chinese Consumer …

RED (Xiaohongshu) Trends 2022: emerging trends in Fitness, Fashion & Beauty

Shilin SongChina Digital News

Since the pandemic in 2020, Chinese consumers have been adapting to the ever-changing external environment and adjusting their preferences, lifestyles, and purchasing decisions. Today we will share updated insights from Red Content Trends Report, to help brands better understand their audience in post-covid China and discover new opportunities underlying the challenges. In this article, we will explain: Red (Xiaohongshu) updated …