China’s coffee wars: How Luckin Coffee & Coffee Box plan to take on Starbucks

Claire Chu China Digital News, WeChat news

As foreign companies in China go, Starbucks is an unique case. Traditionally a land of tea, China was exposed to the specialty coffee culture in 1999 when Starbucks opened their first shops in China’s larger cities. The coffee chain essentially faced no serious competition in China in the early years, and effectively established itself as a daily routine for white-collar …

What is Secoo? Discover China’s premium lifestyle hub

Claire Chu China Digital News

Secoo is China’s biggest luxury e-commerce platform. It also offers offline experience centers for shoppers. Here are some highlights of Secoo: Secoo is listed on Nasdaq with $704.808 M market cap as of August 2018 Secoo listed 300,000 SKUs, covering over 3,000 global and domestic brands Gross Merchandise Value reached RMB1,119.5 million (USD$178.5million) for Q1 2018 306,100 orders in Q1 …

A close look at China’s revenue-sharing platforms: Yunji, Beidian and Global Scanner

Claire Chu New WeChat features

If one day, a WeChat friend starts to promote “discounted” groceries, “best-price” cosmetics and other products of all sorts, he or she might have joined one of the biggest WeChat based multi-level revenue sharing platforms. Some of the biggest platforms include Yunji (云集), Beidian (贝店) and Global Scanner (环球捕手, AKA 51Bushou). Everyone is a store operator These social based e-commerce …