How to design your WeChat article? A simple guide to use Xiumi

Thomas GrazianiNew WeChat features

You find your WeChat messages too boring? Here are a few tips which will help you stand-out with little extra work!

Basic principles

If you know a bit about web-design, you know what are HTML and CSS.
To put it simply:
– HTML defines the structure and the content of a website
– CSS defines the way it will look like (colors, margins, font-size, etc…)

HTML and CSS, when combined, enable you to create content which is much more enticing visually than plain text.

Although you can’t write directly code into WeChat, you can take a piece of HTML with CSS style, and paste it into one of the messages you are writing.

That might sound extremely complicated if you have no background in programming whatsoever. But don’t worry, there is a simpler way! Some services already provide convenient ways to create customized WeChat messages

Using Xiumi

Some services already exist to help you create fancy messages on WeChat. The ones we will use today is

Step 1: create a WeChat message with your public account


Step 2: go to and start selecting items using the bar on the left


Step 3: unleash your creativity through the choice of customized titles, frames or other elements


Step 4: once you are done with writing and designing your message, select the tick-box on the top


Step 5: paste all the elements in your initial WeChat message


Step 6: save, preview and send, you’re done!

Isn’t it too much?

These design elements might seem overwhelming, especially to a Western audience accustomed for a longer time to minimal and flat design.

However, given the intense competition for attention today on WeChat, and the designs which are most welcome today in China, such tools might be game-changing for you, especially if you are aiming for a younger (80后) audience.

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