WeChat Fashion and Luxury campaigns: 10 Case Studies

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

WeChat fashion & luxury market is growing, and the platform has now been used by a large number of Western Fashion and Luxury brands including Nike, Coach, and Burberry to communicate with consumers on a one-to-one basis. This offers a real opportunity for companies to develop brand loyalty in the most innovative ways. Let’s see 10 features of the corporate ...

10 WeChat Food & Beverage industry case studies

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

WeChat can be used in very different ways depending on your industry. Here are 10 examples to inspire WeChat Food & Beverage business. 1. Delivery service: Order on KFC’s WeChat Official Account (肯德基宅急送官方网站) and get food delivered at your place 10 WeChat Food & Beverage industry case studiesKFC has a WeChat official account dedicated to delivery. The bilingual WeChat website …

4 case studies of successful WeChat e-commerce

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

Do people buy on WeChat? What do they buy? How to run a successful WeChat e-commerce? We looked at a few successful WeChat e-commerce stores to answer this question. 1. Kidsbookmama (童书妈妈市集) Wechat account: tongshuchubanmama Product: Children’s book, toy & related product Platform: Koudai Monthly Revenue: RMB 500,000 Success Factors: Credible account owner High quality content - Engaged community “Scarcity” ...

5 WeChat survey tools to help you learn more about your followers

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

What is the best way to find out what our customers want the most? You ask them, aka, you do surveys. Here is a comprehensive review of the best platforms to carry WeChat surveys. 1. Drip ( 水滴微信平台) Fee: Free Language: Chinese Cross Platform: yes Mobile App: No Pros: Drip has many features which enable anything from choosing pictures, entering dates, …

Interview: How did an ex Microsoft UX designer get 50k WeChat followers with no investment?

Tingyi Chen WeChat guides & tips

WeChat accounts don’t simply go viral. Today, we interviewed Jiutian, the creator of a very popular WeChat account, Hi Better Me (女神进化论, WeChat ID: hibetterme), to try to find out the secret of creating a successful WeChat account. Hi Better Me is a WeChat account talking about makeup and lifestyle tips. It has been operating for less than 5 months, and …

WeChat bug enables to create fake “original” content

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

Over the last few months, Tencent has gone into a war against copycats of original content. The company laid down clearer rules for account naming and punished copycats and viral content. Under the new rules, you can report accounts re-publishing your content without being allowed, and the messages will be removed. But there are loopholes to by-pass the rules, here …

WeChat iBeacons: why it doesn’t work, and how to fix it.

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

A few months ago, Tencent pushed heavily connected objects to its platform. In an attempt to achieve the much-desired “O2O integration”, it unveiled new features such as a special “shake” feature enabling to access content from nearby connected objects. Yet, iBeacons just do not take-off in China, and it is mostly because of Tencent’s choices. What are iBeacons? iBeacons are …

WeChat viral marketing: what are the risks?

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

What is the best way to gain followers on WeChat? Most marketers would give you the same answer: give money, a free sample or a discount to users, and they will gladly share any of your content. This practice however has a name: incentivised sharing, and it is forbidden by WeChat terms of use. So what are the risks? What …

How to measure your WeChat ROI (Return on Investment)?

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

There is a huge difference between being present on WeChat and actively leveraging the platform. How can you make sure you are maximising your WeChat ROI? 1. Link your WeChat account with a web-APP WeChat provides you with basic information about reads and shares for your messages (along with geographic, demographic and device data), but this data resides on Tencent …

Use WeChat web-APPs to acquire iPhone and Android APP users

Thomas Graziani WeChat guides & tips

Your company is going digital. Even better: your company is going mobile. You know that more than half of China’s Internet users are accessing the web via smart-phones, growing at an insane rate, and you want to seize this opportunity. In order to tackle this challenge, you have two ways moving forward: Creating native (Android or iOS) APPs which users …