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This trick will increase the conversion rate of all your WeChat posts

There’s a question that we keep hearing repeatedly: once users are reading my WeChat article, how do I get them to follow my account?

Even harder: when users are visiting my H5 campaigns, how do I convert them into followers?

It turns out there is a great answer to it, and that most accounts are doing this completely wrong.

How most accounts are doing it?

Most accounts clutter their pages with action calls to follow the account. In particular at the top of the article, where users can directly click on the name of the account and access the account page. However, this is a very unfortunate place to put calls to action, as users haven’t read the article yet.

Other accounts will put QR codes at the bottom, but all these action calls are often cumbersome and non-intuitive for users.

What’s a better way to do it?

You can actually create a link to a clean page displaying a summary of your latest posts with a “Follow us” button enabling a 1-click follow.

Most account managers don’t know how to generate this page, but we’re here to help!

How to generate this “Follow us” page

  1. Go to your account page and click on the little Profile icon on the top right
  2. Click on the “View history” button
  3. Click on the first article
  4. Click on the 3 dots on the top-right corner button and then “Copy URL”
  5. Paste the url in a text editor, it will look something like the url bellow. Copy the part of the url after biz= (in red bellow)

6. Paste the element you just copied and insert below where is says “PASTE_HERE”

7. You will end up with an url similar to the one bellow, it’s the url to your “Follow account page”. Good job, you did it!

How to use your “Follow us” URL?

There are several ways you can use your “Follow us” URL:

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