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How can businesses process Alipay payments via WeChat?

Alipay account with WeChat

With the tension between two Internet giant Alipay and Tencent heated over the Hongbao war on Chinese New Year, the two companies have entered into a “freeze-out” period in which you can no longer access Alipay owned websites like Taobao, Tmall and Xiami (popular music app) though WeChat.   A lot of clients ask us if we can help them to process Alipay payments via WeChat. The short answer is, yes.

You cannot access Alipay through the WeChat browser.  All of the connections from WeChat to Alipay are blocked. All but one access: Mobile Website Payment Account (手机网站支付).

Note, this is not the same as Alipay Mobile, it is a specific pass companies need to apply to connect Alipay with their website.



Why not use WeChat payment directly?


Transaction amount/year Fee
< 100K Free
100K-1000k 1.5%
>1000k 1.25%

Apply to Alipay Mobile Website Payment Account through here:

Alipay business hotline number: 0571-88158090

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